"Last time there was this much buzz about a tablet there were some commandments written on it."
-The Wall Street Journal
If you are as much of an Apple geek as I am, you have been waiting all week on pins and needles for Apple's latest announcement. Well yesterday it came with a bang! Introducing the iPad (terrible name- why couldn't it have been called the iTab?), Apple launched this beautiful tablet computer--a cross between the best qualities of the iPhone and the iMac. It is completely touch screen controlled and can be held in landscape or portrait format depending on your preference. It is about 7.5 by 9.5 inches (and only 0.5 inch thick!), has a stunningly vivid screen, and a battery life of up to 10 hours. In keeping with Apple go-big-or-go-home style, the designers have completely reinvented the basic applications from the iPhone to fit the iPad. They also expect application developers to follow suit in the coming months. My personal favorite is the calendar; I love the reinvented 'day' page with its clean lines and bright color blocks for appointments. They have also made maps, contacts, and mail look pretty darn sexy.
I looks like prices for these babies range from $499 to $829 (depending on the GB size and whether you want it to be wireless or 3G like the iPhone) and won't be available for another 60 days at least. Gah!
Until then you can learn more here. I highly suggest that you watch the introductory video to see it in action.
p.s. Lots of people are already talking about how the iPad (cringe) will be change the publishing industry with its iBooks feature where you can download and read all kinds of books through Apple's iTunes-like book store. See a great article about this will effect magazine design here.