Did you watch the Kentucky Derby on Saturday? It was a big day for daytime fun (and big hats!) since it was also Cinco de Mayo. I decided to watch the derby and, as always, was struck but the colorfulness of the celebration.

Not only do people go all out with their fashion—wearing big hats and beautiful dresses (or suits!) in bright hues—but they also go all out with the jockey silks, too!

These were the silks worn by the jockeys yesterday. Aren't they amazing? Apparently the colors and patterns are registered by the horse's owner and this tradition may date back to medieval times where knights jousted. Cool, right? I bet you can pick out my two favorites (the polka dot obsession continues!).
Read more about the derby and the amazing come-from-behind win of 'I'll Have Another' here.
(top photos from the New York Times, bottom photos from the Associated Press; jersey icons from Kentucky Derby website)
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