Did you guys watch the Super Bowl last night? What a game! I was really rooting for the Packers, mostly because the Steelers' quarterback Ben Roethlisburger is
not a good guy and the Packers are overdue for a win. I am glad Packers' quarterback Aaron Rodgers was able to put out such a great performance and cinch a great game.

That said, one of my favorite parts of the game was still watching the commercials (as it was last year, and the year before). This year I thought advertisers really stepped up their game and delivered some great commercials—relying more on creativity and less on busty women or talking animals to sell their products (though, of course, there were still some of those). Here are my favorites in no particular order. I especially love the Audi commercial though; Kenny G! Classic!


(See almost all of the commercials from the Super Bowl here.)

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