My lovely Mom was visiting yesterday, hence no posts. We had a nice little jaunt to Crate&Barrel (there is only one in my home state of Connecticut and it is about over an hour from our house) and a tasty dinner - all in all a very nice evening. This morning she had an interview downtown - knock 'em dead Mom! Also, posts may be slower for a little while as spring hits Boston hard and makes it difficult to be inside. And, as a side note, I am obsessed with Showcase's show "Weeds". I love the main character Nancy - she is so neurotic and adorable and real! Not to mention her son is hot . . . . Watch the episodes for free (though illegally) here.
I love this photo by "fine little day". Anyone know what this piece is? I know this is MOMA, but I was there a month ago and they didn't have this up . . . . Yummy!
I love this "hoop.dee.do" bulletin board series from Etsy's littleprettystudio. decor8 featured them yesterday and, of course, nearly the entire shop has been cleared out. Grab one here before they are all gone!
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