This weekend, amidst all the rain, I decided to do a little project-pick-me-up. For the last year or so I have been collecting metal museum entrance tags - the little things guards make you stick on your lapel when you walk into the museum. They come in a range of colors so people don't try to come back the next day with the same tag, claiming they already paid their ticket. The Metropolitan Museum of Art has 16 different colors, the Morgan Library has five etc. To brighten up my wall a bit I strung my collection up on baker's twine and hung above my couch. Looks cool, no? It is just temporary until I can get them framed, but for now I love it!
(Sorry for the gray photo; with the rain the lighting was pretty yucky all weekend. I'll take a new photo the first sunny day I get!)
See more on my Flickr site here.
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