Reading my twitter feed last night I can across a a tweet by Dwell that introduced me to the awesome website FromSthlm. FromSthlm is a shop-cum-blog that features the best of Swedish design. Every month of so they post products for a different designer that you can buy straight from their site. This month they have featured the tea towels an kitchen trays of Maria Holmer Dahlgren. Some information about Dahlgren and her wares on the site:
"With her taste for adventure and zest for life, it’s easy to see where the bright playful colors and forms in Maria Dahlgren’s patterns stem from [ . . . ] With a deep love and understanding of place, she created tributes to her favorite towns through patterns that not only celebrate city landmarks, but their culture, attitude and spirit as well. To Maria every letter is unique, and every form helps to commemorate the little things that make a place or a moment special. And why trays and kitchen towels? According to Maria, 'These are perfect frames for everyday art that bring a little joy to life, without asking for much attention. My work is based on the same philosophy… there’s beautiful art all around us, if we just open our eyes to it.'"
Besides having a fabulous color sense, a great design mindset (just like my "why buy boring when you can buy beautiful?" mantra), and a super cool culture, Dahlgren also has eco-consciousness. All of her trays are made from high quality Scandinavian birch taken from sustainable forests and hand-pressed into shape. Plus they can stand up to being in the dishwasher!
See more on Maria Holmer Dahlgren here.
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